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Isnin, 6 September 2010

Pembantu Rumah Indonesia Menerima Layanan Buruk

Tindakan kerajaan Indonesia menuntut supaya pembantu rumah Indonesia yang bekerja di Malaysia di bayar gaji RM 800.00 (US$254) adalah tidak masuk akal. Di Indonesia pembantu rumah hanya di bayar Rp 300,000 (US33) dan terpaksa bekerja selama 15 jam sehari. Apa yang mereka tuntut hampir 8 kali ganda dari gaji yang mereka terima di negara sendiri. Jadi wajarkah Malaysia tunduk dengan tuntutan dari kerajaan Indonesia. Bukankah lebih baik mengambil pembantu rumah dari negara Filipina kerana mereka lebih berpelajaran serta mahir berbahasa Inggeris.

Apa yang mereka katakan tentang layanan buruk yang di berikan terhadap pembantu rumah Indonesia di Malaysia adalah satu pembohongan belaka jika di bandingkan layanan yang di terima oleh pembantu rumah Indonesia di negara mereka sendiri.

Ini bukanlah suatu rekaan cerita atau untuk memburukan imej negara Indonesia. Untuk keterangan lanjut sila baca artikel di bawah dengan tajuk " Maids In Indonesia Not Treated Well, Either". Artikel ini di ambil dari sebuah blog milik blogger Indonesia.

According Asianewsnet.net, Indonesia is reportedly seeking RM 800 (US$254) minimum wage to be paid to Indonesia maid who are currently working in Malaysia.

"These workers are treated like 'second-class citizens' in Indonesia itself, and are at the mercy of abusive employers", said Indonesian's Domestic Workers Advocacy Network chairman Lita Anggraini.

Currently, there are almost 2 million Indonesian workers including 230,000 maids in Malaysia and that means their salaries will be double if Indonesian government start to pushing the new minimum wage for its people.

Officials of the two countries have since met six times but lobbying it hard for the Bill to become a priority again, if not this year, then next year.

Full-time maids in Indonesia themselves living with their employers, for instance, are paid as little as 300,000 rupiah ($33) a month, even if they put in a 15-hour workday according to Jakarta Post.

In June, the parliamentary commission on labour and health said it would drop the Bill from its priority list this year, pointing out that it would be difficult to monitor maids' treatment and enforce the law, among other things.

Legislator Ahmad Riski Sadig told The Jakarta Post that the Bill did not take into account the Javanese custom of ngenger, where a child or youth lives in the house of a distant relative or family friend in exchange for doing housework.

"How are we going to apply employment contracts to people who practise ngenger, with many of them being treated as part of the family and some even being sent to school?" he asked.

But Rieke said this practice made the Bill even more crucial.

"About one million maids are below the age of 18. Many take on the job out of necessity, as their families are too poor to raise them. This increases the chance of them being exploited", she added.

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